Wednesday, December 21, 2011


The whisper of voices reached past the plastic tarp that was made into a makeshift tent. His act was not the most important, but he played a role in the twisted family, just like everyone else. He sat in a creaky wooden chair, his body tilted to the side. His lips pulled back into a crooked grin, revealing razor sharp teeth, pointed to perfection. His eyes were black and empty of any emotion as he stared ahead of him. A white pupil searched for his next victim while his body now hunched forward, arms locked by his sides. Beside him stood a woman, her one piece circus outfit was covered with flowers now and their wilting petals floated slowly to the ground. Her hair was pulled back back, piled high atop her head as she cracked a whip. Her scarred face showed only one emotion, anger. Although as soon as the guests arrived she’d put on a show, her face brightened and her voice exciting . No one would expect the cruel conditions the performers lived in.

“Not looking too happy?” Vance asked with a crooked grin, his voice mocking.

“Know your place.”  It was all she needed to say for him to fall back into submission. The guests of the circus did not take long to find their way into the pitiful looking tent. Children were not permitted to enter, but the adults and teens were free to walk inside. Their faces were skeptical as they stepped inside, but soon, soon they would realize what they paid to see. They gawked at the man in the front, his arms locked on his sides by a straight jacket. With their mouths wide opened, he simply smiled in return. Vance was pleased with their faces and even more so as his meal was brought out to him. Human flesh sat neatly in front of him, but he did not move. Not without the crack of a whip. The man was trained like a dog, obeying orders and having fun. The wicked grin never left his face as his hungry eyes roamed the area.

From aside, her shadowed figure moved towards the front, but never once did she show her face. This was not her show and not her time to take the spot light. “Ladies and Gentlemen. I am sure you are all wondering what will happen here.” There was a long pause as she let the imagination of the guests wander free. She brought them back with the crack of a whip. “The performers of the Cirque give you a man so odd, so abnormal, that if you simply heard of it, you would never believe it to be true!” Crack. The whip once again hit against the air.

Happily, the hunched figure ate what was in front of him. Horrified gasps filled the tent and soon broke into hushed whispers. Women with weak hearts quickly left with their husbands while the young males could not pull their gaze away. A cannibal was not something one of them would ever see. They were awed by such a living being.. Awed and disgusted the show continued on as many others desperately tried to see.

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