Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Large crowds of voices passed Lynne frequently. Her iron prison was set near the gates of the cirque. Many children stopped to stare, asking her if they could touch the feathers along her arm. She only smiled at these children, their innocence great as they reached into her cage. The woman happily allowed them to do as they asked. They were fascinated with her and a few wished they were just like her. She laughed at those children. How could anyone want to look like this? Feather growing from your body as your limbs and eyes were replaced with another’s to make you look more of a freak. She quickly assured those children that it was not a nice life and there was much work. It convinced most, but to truly convince them, she needed to speak longer, but it was never an option. They left as quick as they arrived at times. Children’s mother’s quickly grabbed their hands and led them away. They must have been afraid their children would change. How amusing, she would think to herself, because the parents did not realize the worst of the freaks were still hiding. She heard their hurtful whispers and mocking laughs, but she merely smiled at them. Nothing bothered her an longer, everything meant nothing and was hardly focused on.

“Are you always in here?” The voice was unfamiliar, but obviously male. The feathered woman looked up from the steely ground of her cage and into the stranger’s eyes.

“Yes. This is my life.” Lynne had no problem speaking the truth. It was simply how things were and even with people knowing they preferred not to hear and continued on with their entertainment.

“Don’t you want to leave?” The young male continued to question, causing the others who wanted to look, grow irritated. Lynne knew that as much as she liked to talk, the enjoyment of the guests was most important.

“Where would I go?” She had returned with a question of her own, a slanted smile on her lips. “The other guests are growing restless. You should see the rest of the circus, they are much more entertaining.” Even though she was sad to see him leave, she needed to keep him moving. Eventually the crowd would not allow him to stay any longer. They pushed him along, but not before he called out to her a last time.

“I’ll visit you again!” With that, he disappeared into the crowd. Lynne could see the top of his head, but her attention was brought back to the demanding crowd and the young teen left her mind for now.

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