Tuesday, December 27, 2011


The cirque worked hard all morning to keep its guests entertained. Sebastian, being the leader of the circus was always there to announce the big top show. The guests piled in by the dozens, all eager to find their seats and see the amazing acts strung together for pure joy and entertainment. The loud call of whispered echoed through the large tent as men, women, and children piled in the stands placed in a circle around the ring. The light was proved by the afternoon sun, shining bright and giving everyone a clear view. In the center of the ring was a small stand, striped yellow and red to match the tent. Standing on top of it was a tall man. His lips were pulled back into a wide grin, revealing a sharp smile and focused eyes. His gaze focused over each face that entered the tent. Woman whispered to one another about his looks as he stared, but the loud whispers soon turned to a hushed quiet, everyone’s smiling faces gazing at the center of the ring, waiting for the show to begin.

“Ladies and Gentlemen! Children of all ages! Welcome to the Cirque de Vari, where wonders are around each corner and the delight of the performers will keep you out of your seat!” Sebastian’s voice boomed over the crowd. Those who hadn’t started paying attention, now were with the man’s mystifying voice.

All their eyes rested on the lone man in the center of the ring. The charismatic attitude as well as the encouraging smiles and laughs from the ring leader had the audience thinking this was normal. None of this was a problem. There was a pause. The audience held their breath, watching him with anticipation. When would the show start? The same question ran through all of their minds. A baby’s cry broke the silence, but no one paid it mind. This was how Sebastian knew he was ready to start. Each performer would have their time to shine in the spotlight, their time to have all eyes on them-whether they wanted it or not.

“I present to you! Our opening act for the Cirque de Vari! Our lovely and beautiful Lynne!” Sebastian waved a hand towards her entrance, stepping off the stool and moving to the side.

In entered the man’s largest attraction and what brought most of his guests. Lynne. The feathered woman stepped in the middle of the ring with her arms raised. The long brown feathers caught everyone’s attention at they gasped in amazement. If it were not for the fact those feathers were growing off a woman, everyone would have thought them to be beautiful. That was not the case here though. No, not at this circus. Everything was disturbed, wrong, and disgusting to its guests, but at the same time they were always amazing. Lynne did her many tricks, riding on the back of animals, showing off her feathers, as well as attracting the male’s in the tent. If Sebastian had their attention, he would have the money. That was his main focus. The men and the teens. The sick curiosity everyone held deep in their hearts was what kept this circus running.

With her act finished and the amazed guests staring blankly in front of them, Sebastian once again entered the center of the ring to introduce the next act. “Now ladies and gentlemen. I give you something so disturbed in appearance, so shocking, that you would never believe them to be real unless you have seen them with your own eyes.” There was a pause for dramatic effect. He watched as the children leaned forward in their seats, waiting with anticipation with what they were going to see next. “Two separate people, fated to live with one another forever. I bring you the twin freaks of this circus! Cival and Roux!” The happiness to his voice as well as the eager shouting left the guests smiling and clapping their hands as the deformed teens made there way to the tent.

This time the pair was not wearing their masks as they walked into the tent and their hands waved to the shocked crowd. Their mouths were wide open and Roux simply giggled to their reactions. Cival kept a straight face, neither amused or unamused by the gaping mouths that stared. The treatment was the norm, but just because it was the norm did not mean it was right.

The pairs act was soon over and the circus continued on. The last act was Sebastian’s second prized performer. The little clown quickly scampered his way into the center of the ring. Lynne may have attracted the older males and young teens, but Constantine attracted the women and children into the circus. The freakish outward appearance was considered cute. As afraid as he was, the boy smiled to the crowd, waving a hand to them all. Sebastian stood on the side, watching the act as it continued on and making sure that the boy did everything as he was told. Each act was different for Constantine and varied from simple things like juggling, to the more dangerous and nerve wracking jobs such as walking the tightrope. The child hated heights, but was forced to do the act to please its guests.

The boy’s good eye continued to flicker to one spot and that was Sebastian. The man smiled when he was doing well and there was a slight frown when he was not doing enough. The big tent act was the biggest act in the circus and if it did not go well, the Ring Master was not pleased and when Sebastian was not pleased, everyone else suffered.